Addressing the radio silence

It’s been quiet here of late, and some of that is due to simply being busy. Since the last post, I’ve had a major fest and run two other events in quick succession1one the weekend after the other, starting two weeks after said major fest. Just that in itself is quite enough to explain why we’ve not been updating – we’ve been busy and frankly I needed some downtime.

We have been working on the system and some other aspects of the game, and that is actually one of the major reasons I’m not quite up to posting more stuff about the game at the moment.

I’m quite sanguine about where the system is, and I’m relatively confident I could get the required fluff written up so that people can start planning what they might want to do, but there are still some other concerns which are making me consider what I want to be doing with this game.

More to the point, they are making me reconsider whether I want to continue with the project in its current format. So I’m going to be taking more time to think about it, and while I will come back to write an update, I don’t know how long it’ll be before that happens at this time.

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    one the weekend after the other, starting two weeks after said major fest